Mythras Combat Module Collection

Breaking the Habit, Take Cover and Brace Yourself

By (author) Dan True

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Games
  • Published : April 2022
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 44
  • Size : 210mm(w) x 279mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 95120
  • ISBN 13 : 9781911471745
  • ISBN 10 : 1911471740
Item available and normally despatched in 2 to 3 days
Price : £14.99

Explore different parts of the Mythras combat system with newly devised, exciting encounters.

Mythras Combat Modules provide a self-contained encounter designed to highlight and explore different parts of the Mythras combat system. The modules suggest how new tactics and certain Special Effects can be used together to achieve a specific result, and aim to encourage creative use of the combat rules that will translate into standard game play.

BREAKING THE HABIT focuses on situations where Choose Location>Head may not be the best default choice, and where the use of weapon length, height, and other Special Effects will be of much more use. The module is ideal for introducing new players to the nuances of the Mythras combat engine.

TAKE COVER! takes ranged combat as its subject, and shows how skilful tactics, judicious use of cover, and the application of different Special Effects can be used to deal with the most challenging of situations.

BRACE YOURSELF! examines how to tackle non-humans in a combat situation. Pitting four heroes against a giantess and her pet - a grizzly bear - the module looks at the tactics used by both sides, and provides insights and options on the most effective combat techniques.

Please note that you need either the Mythras Core Rules, or Mythras Imperative to make best use of these modules.

About the author

By (author) Dan True

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