Parallel Lines

8 Parallel-Spanning Missions for Luther Arkwright

By (author) Chad Bowser, By (author) Anthony Boyd, By (author) Bruce Mason, By (author) Pete Nash, By (author) Bryan Steele, By (author) Bryan Talbot, By (author) Lawrence Whitaker, By (author) John White

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Games
  • Published : May 2017
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 172
  • Size : 216mm(w) x 279mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 40483
  • ISBN 13 : 9781911471240
  • ISBN 10 : 1911471244
Item available and normally despatched in 2 to 3 days
Price : £22.50

A collection of eight very different scenarios set in seven very different versions of Earth.

Each mission is self-contained, but the collection can be played as a complete campaign with the characters forming an elite team in Valhalla's Mjollnir Section. The adventures include the Salem Witch Trials, a post-apocalyptic Camargue, an Orwellian Britain, epic journeys by airship and Trans-Siberian Express, a voyage to the bottom of the sea, an investigation through the streets of a disintegrating Edinburgh, and a murder hunt through a dystopian London. Packed with wild ideas and creative locations, along with dozens of colourful NPCs (and some distinctly weird ones), Parallel Lines is transplanar adventuring at its very best. Parallel Lines requires access to both Luther Arkwright: Roleplaying Across the Parallels and Mythras for full enjoyment.

About the author

By (author) Chad Bowser

By (author) Anthony Boyd

By (author) Bruce Mason

By (author) Pete Nash

By (author) Bryan Steele

By (author) Bryan Talbot

By (author) Lawrence Whitaker

By (author) John White

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